
In addition to your MP, the following organisations might be able to assist you in resolving your issue.

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council or call 024 7637 6376

North Warwickshire Borough Council or call 01827 715 341

Warwickshire County Council or call 01926 410 410

Warwickshire Police or call 101 for non-emergency enquiries or 999 for emergencies


Nuneaton Citizens Advice Bureau or call 0808 250 5715 (Freephone advice line, Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm) for free, confidential and impartial advice.

Warwickshire Welfare Rights Advice Service. Email or call 024 7637 2069

All Government Services  The official government website, a 'one stop shop' for all enquiries relating to government services.

Parliament The official website which offers information about the House of Commons and the House of Lords.


Job-seekers  Hundreds of new jobs are advertised here each week for you to search through.  

Apprenticeships is the dedicated portal to help you find an apprenticeship that's right for you


NHS online The 111 online can tell you:

  • where to get help for your symptoms, if you're not sure what to do
  • how to find general health information and advice
  • where to get an emergency supply of your prescribed medicine
  • how to get a repeat prescription

CrimeStoppers operates the 0800 555 111 telephone number, allowing people to call anonymously to pass on information about crime.


LogoMoney Advice Service provides free, independent help about anything to do with money, for example managing debt.